
Map of Scotland highlighting NHS Lothian health board

NHS Lothian is responsible for meeting the health needs of circa 800,000 people living in and around Edinburgh. We employ approximately 27,000 staff and provide a comprehensive range of primary, community and acute care services for the populations of Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian and West Lothian.

NHS Lothian provides an extensive range of primary care services, including mental health, GP and other community-based services. Hospital services are provided at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Western General Hospital, St John’s Hospital, Royal Hospital for Sick Children and the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.

General practice in Lothian will give you the chance to develop your NHS career and enhance your lifestyle. There is much to enjoy in the Lothian region in locations of exceptional beauty and contrast, from the historic skyline of Edinburgh, Scotland’s historic capital city, to the wonderful surrounding countryside and coastline of the Firth of Forth.

General practice is 24/7 and GP out of hours services in Lothian are provided by the Lothian Unscheduled Care Service which operates from 5 sites around the region. All sites are based either in an acute or community hospital. LUCS is a vibrant and exciting urgent primary care service to work in and are always looking for enthusiastic GPs to join the team. The out of hours contact details are below for further information or an application pack.

Strong links with Edinburgh Universities and research bodies mean that you need never be far from the cutting edge. As well as academic networks, there are professional ones too – RCGP and the BMA are near neighbours in the New Town

Our cultural life is outstanding. There’s the world’s biggest arts festival, of course, but culture in Edinburgh is all year round with concerts, theatre and opera on every week. Restaurants, bars, shopping and sports and are well catered for too and there are plenty of opportunities for socialising with all kinds of clubs and societies, including everything from Scottish Country Dance to book clubs.

There are facilities for all kinds of sports as a participant as well as a spectator. With two top-flight  football teams, the national rugby stadium and Europe’s largest indoor climbing arena just some examples.

Excellent schools and universities and short commutes to work complete the picture.

More information about the region and living in Lothian can be found by exploring the Visit Scotland web site.

Website: NHS Lothian Health Board

Key Contacts

Clinical Contacts

Dr Jeremy Chowings, Deputy Medical Director, Primary Care

✉ Jeremy.Chowings@nhs.scot


Primary Care Contacts

Alison McNeillage, General Manager, Primary Care Contracts

✉ alison.mcneillage@nhs.scot

Performers Contacts

Danielle Swanson

✉ danielle.swanson@nhs.scot

Out of Hours Contact

Carrie Findlay, Business Support Manager
