
In Scotland, we are absolutely committed to developing and maintaining a workforce that has the education, skills and training to practice medicine safely, effectively and in a way that keeps the patient at the heart of things.It’s a commitment we take very seriously, in fact NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is a special Health Board operating at national level whose purpose is to make sure that we have a capable, skilled workforce who have access to all of the tools they need to maintain their knowledge and fitness to practice.NES is Scotland’s education and training body. Deeply integrated into the fabric of Scottish health care, it makes sure that education and continuous professional developments are ongoing aspects of general practice.

NES works in close collaboration with the Scottish Government, academic institutions, the GMC, RCGP and the BMA to run a variety of programmes on a national, regional and local level. These aim to equip you with the up-to-date knowledge and skills you need to practice safely and confidently at all stages of your career.

Programmes address CPD, specialty training, GP appraisal, revalidation and on-going CPD. Curricula are delivered in educational environments in primary and secondary care in the 14 territorial NHS boards.

There are additional programmes in primary care to provide support for specific settings or circumstances.

As a general practitioner in Scotland, you’ll have access to world-class experts, cutting edge research, and the experience of training practices that literally practice what they teach.


The Scottish Graduate Entry Medicine (ScotGEM) is a four year programme run by the universities of St Andrews and Dundee and Health Boards in Fife and Tayside, in collaboration with NHS Highland, NHS Dumfries and Galloway, and the University of Highlands and Islands.

The programme addresses all core MBChB requirements as stipulated by the General Medical Council (GMC) and is focused on enthusing graduates to become generalist practitioners (not necessarily GPs), with experience in rural health care. However, the course will prepare students for any branch of medicine through the normal postgraduate training process.